In my configuration, users that are in the registered group can use the WYSIWYG editor just like administrators. However, if they are not in the administrator group, the front end of the ticket does NOT show any of the HTML markup (although the ticket originally generated does show the markup). If I add that user to an admin group and refresh the ticket, it shows the correct format. If I remove them so that they are only in the Registered group, the ticket reply goes back to just regular text instead of the markup. I'm assuming this is a configuration setting that I have set incorrectly, but I don't know where it is. Please see the video below displaying what I'm referring to.

  • Sample Ticket Thread
  • Login Username:  rsjoomla
  • Password:  changeme123
  • Note that this user IS an administrator so that you can see the formatting. The video below outlines the difference when the user is switched to just "registered." 
  • My Updates code from RSJoomla is "VT2A1T3V00HEK41808XB"