How Much Does It Cost?

"How much does it cost to get my website up and running for my business?"

That's usually the first question that companies ask when they are undertaking a new project. Many website design companies will often times try to lump your project into one of a few pricing classifications, saying that they have "Small Business" pricing plans, "Medium Business" pricing plans, and "Big Business" plans... We, however- feel that to classify your business into one of these categories might be a gross injustice. You might want some of the capabilities of the "Big Business" plan even though you're actually a very small business.

That's exactly why we don't offer "standard" pricing. We don't do "standard" work, so there's no way to give you a set price before we know the scope of your project.

In order for us to be able to come up with a cost for your project, we prefer to get involved in knowing exactly what your project will include.  "Will you need a completely new website or a re-build of an existing site? Will you need a large hosting package or will a more affordable package work?" This is the kind of information that we want to have instead of trying to force your business into some "solution package" that isn't right for you.

In order to help us understand your project, it is beneficial for us if you will CONTACT US so that we might get some insight into your expectations before our initial meeting. Then we will meet with you to get a much better feel for your expectations and your project needs.