Website and Server Service & Maintenance

At System X Designs we believe that your website should work for you all of the time. 24/7 x 365- your website should be the best employee that your business could have. It doesn't get sick, it doesn't call in late, and it doesn't ask for vacation time. However- getting your website to that point often times takes complex configuring... We can help you get your site to that point.


You site will require updates. We are going to train you on the day-to-day operation of the site's functions and how to perform your daily tasks. However there will be software updates, hardware enhancements, backups, new content, and a host of other challenges that will arise in the operation of your site. How will you handle that operation?

For that reason, System X Designs has put together a variety of packages to make sure that your site remains up-to-date and running smoothly. If your site requires performance additional content such as articles or videos, we can help you get that content into your site exactly how you want it. Our service packages don't stop at just producing the content- we want to help you protect it, too!

Because so many sites are so interactive, the database changes constantly. Furthermore, with the addition of new features, the actual core files are subject to change as well. Couple that with the idea that files can become corrupted during updates or even under regular use, and it's no wonder that so many companies who rely heavily on their website are interested in specific Disaster Recovery plans. They all want to know what the contengency plans are to recover their data if for any reason it is compromised. Furthermore, they want to know exactly how recent the recovered data will be to make sure that they can minimize the amount of data that is lost. Some companies have several employees dedicated solely to this task, and have large books that contain the disaster recovery plans in the event of a site failure.

Because you'll want to protect your site's content, System X Designs offers some great ways to protect your content! Many times our clients have called us in a frantic because while they were trying to modify the site, they somehow managed to corrupt their data. Usually it's a minimal problem, and we can login and sort them out quickly. Other times, they have altered a vital configuration and the entire site is crashed! The good news: with our service plans you never have to worry about a catastrophic failure of your site or loss of your data. We will backup the database and full file structures regularly so that no matter how bad your site is damaged, it can be recovered in a few clicks with very minimal data loss. Consider it "peace of mind" for the investment that you have made in your website! See more information about Service Plans below!

At System X Designs we make it easy for you to understand your Disaster Recovery plan as well as how we will help you prevent your data loss. Based on our Service Plans, you automatically have built in contingency plans for exactly that! Instead of dedicating time and resources to developing your contingency plans, you can feel comfortable knowing that your data is always protected- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. THAT's protection!

Here's how it works:

What happens to your business if your site goes down? How much data will you lose? How long will it take to get you back online?
The below plans will help you prepare for Disaster Recovery and Prevent Data Loss!


Ask Us How You Can Couple Service Plans With SEO Plans For HUGE SAVINGS!